Poetry Test


Explain why Hilda Doolittle is a "modern" poet in form, subject matter, and voice. Feel free to cite several poems. Write 1-2 pages. Worth 60 points.

Two! is the answer. But seriously, though,
I must profess, my dear professor,
of a certain modernism inherent to her voice,
though God knows what I mean in this.
Maybe I mean that tricky allusion to the clouds.
Oh, yes, surely you must see it too.
Angels and clouds - they are both white, and fly.
How clever to allude to the insignificant!

Honestly, though, I didn't notice clouds
at midnight or 1 or 2 A.M.
when I sat down and read the anthology ...
last night ...
for the first time.
Yeah, I know - one shouldn't cram for poetry,
but I spent most of class trying to date the girl next to me,
and poems are short and easy -
it's so tempting to shrug them off for tomorrow.

Let me tell you a secret, though.
Come closer and I'll tell you why
I know nothing of H.D. or Stevens or Gertrude Stein.
See - when I was reading last night,
I discovered how much I love Louis Bogan.
Her poetry penetrates on sight,
snaking out of the page and stoning me immobile.
My mind is still trapped there.

So you can see
how I fell in love with poetry last night,
and forgetting modernism,
I just couldn't cram for poetry.

Posted April 22, 1999 (03:12 PM)