Capture the Flag (AI)

Computer Science

Our culminating project for CS 470 (Artificial Intelligence) was to, as two-student teams, build an AI agent that could compete against other teams in a 2d capture the flag game. Each agent consisted of three "players" that could either play offense or defense. The maps we played on were all random--meaning we had to be prepared for anything.

Our team made it to the quarterfinal round, although a lot of that may have to do with other teams' incompetence.

Our team built an agent in Visual C++ 6.0. Our report describes the strategies we employed.

To get things going, first start the worldserver.exe. It will ask you to specify a map, so chose one of the map files. Then start the two clients that will compete against each other. After about 10 seconds, a map should appear and the contest will begin.

Hopefully your computer will have all the libraries it needs to run these. If it doesn't, I apologize, it was built back in the Visual Studio 6 days, so the libraries may be a bit outdated. Try locating them on the net and downloading them to your Windows system folder.

Posted April 15, 2001 (12:49 PM)